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Wednesday, 21 March 2018

What is Blog ? What is Blogger ? How to do Blogging ? - searchofia

What is blog ?

Hello friends, today in this post we will learn, what is a blog ? friends now a days most of the people know that what is a blog. but still there are some new users who cannot quickly understand that how can we do blogging ? What are the benefits of making blog ? Friends today we will get answers of all these questions in this post.

What is blog ? - searchofia

What is Blog ? What is Blogger ? How to do Blogging ?

Friends this is a kind of a platform by which we can share our knowledge, our work, our experience, our feelings or any kind of an event that we want to do so we can share our all these things with the whole world. Now a days people write their articles by themselves and are earning a lot of money. Some people make interesting videos and they upload on their blog so that they create their effect on people.Friends there are many things that we can do by blog. 

Friends in the world there are billions of blog those updates on the daily basis. Daily their admins put some information in their blog. This thing we know as a name of blogging but friends now you are thinking that what is blogger then ?
So friends when any person makes a blog and adds some infornation or shares any another thing with others that person is called blogger.

Benefits of Blog

Friends till now we have leant that what is blog, blogging, blogger etc. but now we will
learn that what are the benefits of making a blog.

  • Friends this a free feature that is provided by google at free of cost and any person can creates this without spending any money. 
  • Friends by writing a blog we can deliever our knowledge to more and more people in less time.
  • we can earn a lot of money by writting a good blog.
  • this is a platform where we can put any new things in front of the world and we can grab some new and intresting information.
  • Friends important thing is we do not need to pay any money for writing a blog instead of this we get money by doing nice blogging.
  • For making a blog we need neither any extra codding nor much time.
  • we can make this in very less time.
  • Friends google provides us a chance to write a blog in any language and that is a very good feature.


So friends that was our today's post and we hope that you liked it and enjoyed it a lot. Friends if you want any other information about this post or if you want to give us your suggestions so please do comment in our comment section below. Thanks...

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